Renault Group Trying To Reduce Noise Pollution

Depositphotos 366202582 L 2015
Depositphotos 366202582 L 2015

Apache (Appraisal of Pavement Acoustic Characteristics and Energy Efficiency) has recently been introduced by Renault in Île-de-France to reduce noise pollution in the region. Thomas Antoine and Fadila Hrird have been working together on the project. The former is an Expert Leader of Noise and Vibration Technology and Hrird is currently on a work placement at Renault whilst studying at CY Cergy Paris University.

Thomas Antoine
Thomas Antoine (Renault Group/Marianne Lavarde/Le Septième Bureau)

Antoine argues that one should focus on cars when looking at noise and specifically their effects on the environment.

‘’The problem of noise in the environment isn’t just a question of which car, which tires? It’s about how the car interacts with the environment’’

Scenic E Tech
Renault Scenic E-Tech car (Renault Group/Stories Production)

Renault aims to repair roads in certain places in order to reduce as much noise pollution as possible. Social concerns have also influenced how this process is being performed.

‘’It {Apache} maps road conditions to pinpoint areas where repairs would be most beneficial to decrease noise pollution, as well the economic and public health burdens on local communities’’

Noise cancellation has already been used by Hyundai and Jaguar. Jaguar used it into 2020, whilst Hyundai have come up with the Road Noise Active Noise Control (RANC) system.

Apache uses signals from noise cancellation sensors differently to how the above companies have used them. The Apache casing is used to investigate roads and create maps about their noise levels. Certain parts of roads are not well-maintained and there is a lot of noise in these areas. Apache will help communities save money on road repairs, by informing them about areas they should focus on improving.

‘’It’s a technology that not only improves the acoustics inside our vehicles, but also enables local authorities to make more accurate decisions about their road repair budgets’’

Hrird has a geographical background, since she is currently pursuing a degree in geomatics. She knows that noise is common in roads near popular places and has made maps to assess how these roads can affect civilians living nearby.

Fadila Hrird
Fadila Hrird (Renault Group/Stories Production)

Antoine and Hrird worked with Bruitparif to gain information about vehicle traffic. As its name suggests, Bruitparif examines noise (specifically in Île-de-France).  

‘’For these maps to be correlated with road use, we need to know how often the roads are used, and that’s where our partnership with Bruitparif comes in very handy’’

Map showing hospitals and schools (Renault Group/Stories Production)

Apache was trialled in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and has since been used in Île-de-France more generally.

Renault won a Golden Decibel for their efforts and also won the award in 2001 after the creation of the Vel Satis car. The award is given out by the CNB (National Council for Noise), which was established in 1982.  

The Renault Group have discussed the benefits of Apache for the Boulevard Périphérique (located in Paris). Repairs will reduce the current level of noise by approximately four times.


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