Stay Off The Clickbait Drama Surrounding Brad Pitt Fainting At The F1 Movie Set

A few hours ago, major Hollywood headlines revealed something that Hollywood or movie fans would certainly not have wanted, not that any of them would have been able to do anything whatsoever to reverse the outcome or incident associated with their favourite actor, Brad Pitt.
As a matter of fact, Hollywood news outlets weren’t the only ones that said what they did; most sports publications or websites too, it appears, wanted their readers to consume what was written out there in bold headlines.
“Brad Pitt falls during filming of F1 movie.” Others, probably read differently, “Brad Pitt suffers a fall during F1 movie filming.” There were some publications that even went as far as alluding to the fact that there may have been some sort of a medical emergency the actor was grappling with. And just how did they do that?
By actually using the phrase “Medical Emergency” in their news headline report in connection with Brad Pitt’s fainting.
That is when in truth, what Brad Pitt endured or suffered was part of a dramatic movie scene that was part of the requirement of his forthcoming big-budget Hollywood release. The fainting was true, but only for the film cameras and recordings, hence it being totally a dramatised version of events as a film script would dictate.
Brad Pitt- and you must take it seriously- did NOT faint genuinely or in real life; he was acting.
That happens when you are an actor. Just like F1 drivers go fast because they are trying to finish the race in first or in a bid to win. It’s what their job requires them to do.
The Brad Pitt fainting, which has now become, arguably speaking, one of the most searched internet keywords as of Sunday, November 24, 2024 wasn’t for real. It was part of the script.
But only in a world where drama must be created in order to sell newspapers or provide clickbait garbage can such a thing as misleading news headlines occur- wouldn’t you agree?
God only knows just how many of us would have actually fallen for the trap of misleading headlines seemingly suggesting and dramatically so that the actor wasn’t well. Hence, the ‘fall!’
One news publication based out of India, much like a few others, offered clarification and said (excerpt taken from
The moment was actually a teaser for the film, with Pitt filming a scene in front of a live F1 backdrop. In the sequence, Pitt, portraying the character Sonny Hayes, wobbled on his feet before falling onto a padded mat held by a crew member. The fictional race team, APX GP, which Pitt’s character represents, even released a mock statement that further fuelled excitement for the film.
Having said that, a lot is expected out of Brad Pitt’s forthcoming Hollywood release. The big star and acclaimed actor responsible for mega films such as Seven Years In Tibet, Mr. and Mrs Smith, Meet Joe Black and Inglorious Bastards (among many others), is expected to produce a cracker of a movie with this new exciting F1-based movie.